180 Degrees Consulting
University of California, Los Angeles

Who We Are
180 Degrees Consulting (180DC) is the world's largest volunteer consultancy. With over 150 branches worldwide, we provide high-quality, innovative services to socially-conscious organizations in order to develop practical and sustainable solutions to their challenges.
180DC at UCLA leverages the potential of high-performing university students in solving the most pressing issues at the intersection of business and social impact. By working closely with some of the most influential socially-oriented organizations in Los Angeles and beyond, we strengthen their ability to achieve high-impact outcomes.
We were recognized as the Best Overall Branch in the Americas at the 180DC Global Awards in 2023. In 2021, we were named the Most Innovative Branch in the Americas at the 180DC Global Awards, and in 2020, we were named the Best Overall Branch in the Americas and the regional winner of the Best Consulting Project.

Our Projects
180DC passionately serves socially-driven organizations through our consulting services. We have multiple initiatives in place to ensure the work we deliver is of the greatest quality, evidenced by the positive testimonials from our past clients. If your organization is struggling with any challenges, please reach out to us. We would love to be of service.

Our People
Our members have very diverse backgrounds, ranging from technology to business. However, we have a common interest in the intersection of business and social good. We are curious minds, and are ready to take on the biggest problems faced by organizations that create impact in this world. If this sounds like you, then we encourage you to apply to join.

Our Partners
From projects to our people, our partners are behind us every step of the way. They enable some of our greatest feats, so we make them our top priority. We partner with top consulting firms and organizations to provide them access to the talented pool of students in the 180DC network and at UCLA. If you are one of them, contact us and let's talk.

Where We Go